About Us

Hello! My name is Robert and I am the webmaster and main contributor at Betterlivingplan.com. I have had a life long interest in how to achieve happiness and general well being, as well as in psychology and how to use these tools to improve human life.

Our web site is dedicated to providing extensive information on the subjects of wellness, how to increase happiness and overcome cthe challenges that we all face in life.

Here you will find helpful reviews, information and tips and much more. This web site is in the format of a blog, so that each time we post new information, it will come to the top of the home page. This means that you can check back here frequently to see new updated information. We are constantly adding new topics and articles to this website.

It is my hope that the information that you will find here at Betterliving.com will be valuable and helpful to you in some way, perhaps in a major way.

IMPORTANT: please make sure that if you have any serious problems affecting your life and health or relationships that you seek sound professional advice. We do not claim to be professionals and do not offer medical advice. The articles on our web site are for informational purposes only, and are not meant to diagnose or treat any medical condition. Again, if you have a serious condition consult with a licensed physician or other licensed professional.

Please note that some of the links on this web site may be affiliate links to products that we recommend, and we do earn a commission if you buy through our links, at no extra cost to you.

Please note that we recommend only products that we consider to be of real value. Your support in helping us maintain this web site is greatly appreciated!

Wishing you a lot of happiness and well being in your life!
